How to Make Black Tea - Brew the Perfect Cup Every Time

If you're looking for a healthy way to get some pep in your step, look no further than black tea. Our premium loose leaf black tea blends are high in caffeine, which gives you energizing benefits and a boost in focus.  

At Tiesta Tea, our black teas range from traditional teas the Queen may drink to exciting new blends. So, whether you're looking to replace your coffee habit with something healthier or hosting guests for traditional afternoon high tea, you'll be needing some black tea.  

How Much Black Tea Per Cup?  

When you're brewing up your favorite mug of black tea, you'll scoop 1.5 teaspoons of tea per 8-ounces of water. If you're brewing up tea to share, you'll want to add more loose leaf tea into the brew so you get to taste its full flavor, unlock its caffeine content, and the maximum health benefits. 

tea brewing steps

The Tiesta Tea Brewmaster is a 16-ounce tea infuser, so it makes it easy to brew up a mug for you and for someone you love. Add 3 teaspoons of your black tea of choice, adding 16 ounces of 195° F water and let it steep for 3-5 minutes. Grab your two mugs, let the Brewmaster's gravity straining do the work for you and say cheers! 

How to Make Iced Black Tea

If you've ever ordered iced tea in a restaurant or purchased pre-made in a store, chances are you've had iced black tea. But we'll let you in on a little secret –– home-brewed iced black tea made with loose leaf tea tastes so much better. Bonus –– it's super simple to make. 

Step One: Measure Your Tea

Since you'll be diluting the tea with ice, always double the amount of loose leaf you add. For a single-serving glass of iced black tea, you'll scoop in 3 teaspoons of the blend of your choice. 

Step Two: Pour in Hot Water 

Whatever tea accessory you're using to make your iced tea –– a Brewmaster, Brewbasket, tea filter, or tea ball, make sure you're using 195° F temperature anytime you brew black tea. If you use water that is too hot, you'll scald your leaves. If the water is not hot enough, the full flavor of the black tea leaves won't infuse, and you'll end up with a weak glass of iced tea. 

Step Three: Steep Your Blend

When brewing your tea, we recommend setting a timer so you don't forget about the tea. Trust us –– we've all been there. So just set the timer. Remember, if you let tea over steep, you'll have bitter tea, and no one wants that. No matter which blend of black tea you're enjoying, you'll steep the tea in hot water for 3-5 minutes. The longer the steep time, the stronger the brew –– so choose the time and strength that works best for you. 

Step Four: Strain, Ice, Enjoy!

As soon as your 3-5 minutes are up, strain your tea immediately. The simplest method is to use a Brewmaster that pours your brew directly over your cup filled with ice, but any accessory will work. Doctor up your tea to your liking –– maybe that means garnishing with a lemon wedge, a dash of sugar, or plain –– it's your tea, we won't tell you how to drink it. What we will say is, cheers to Living Loose!

How to Make Black Tea Taste Better?

At Tiesta Tea, we've worked hard to make all tea accessible, so whether you've been drinking English Breakfast for years (if so, you'll love our take on the classic that we call Royal Breakfast) or you're just starting to dip your toe into drinking black tea, we've got you covered.  


We offer spins on traditional black teas, like Victorian Earl Grey and Earl Grey de la Crème, alongside some more exotic, unique teas including, Black Thai Tropical and Passion Berry Jolt. Another fan favorite is our Chai Love –– our spiced chai black tea. Whichever black tea blend you choose, you can brew them up and enjoy them on their own, or you can stir in some add-ins.  

Just like with coffee, some people prefer to drink it black, some soften or sweeten the flavor a bit –– or a lot –– so do what works for you! The add-in you choose will depend on your palette and the tea you choose. Some ideas include: 

-   Sugar (or your favorite sugar substitute) 

-   Milk 

-   Honey

-   A squeeze of lemon 

-   Half and half

-   Creamer 

-   Vanilla 

The options to make your black tea more of your cup of tea are endless, so feel free to experiment to get that perfect hot tea or iced tea that you're after. 

How to Make Cold Brew Black Tea

Over the past several years, cold brew has really caught on. Whether it's with coffee or tea, cold brew boasts some perks that the iced variety does not. For starters, cold brew means it has been just that, cold-brewed.                      

Tea can become bitter when exposed or overexposed to heat. Cold brewing prevents that bitter, astringent taste, making for a smoother, sweeter, less acidic taste. The cold water used extracts more flavors from the leaves over time, resulting in such a smooth, clean taste. 

The beauty of loose leaf tea? You can brew your own cold brew black tea right at home. It's a simple process, too. Honestly, the hardest part is waiting patiently until that delicious cold brew is ready to drink. 

Here's how it's done: 

- Combine loose leaf tea in your accessory of choice with cold water in a pitcher

- Let the tea infuse the water for 8-12 hours in the refrigerator 

- Strain and enjoy your cold brew

- Cold brew black tea will keep for 3-5 days in the fridge –– if you don't drink it all first, that is  

Ready to Try Some Black Tea? 

At Tiesta Tea, we travel around the globe to source the best quality ingredients to produce the best cup of tea. We believe in making loose leaf tea that's accessible and affordable without sacrificing quality. Ready to brew up some black tea? Check out our black teas here. And whether you're brewing up a mug of breakfast tea or a pitcher of tropical black tea, cheers to Living Loose!

Teas For You To Love

Lemon Black Tea

Lemon Citrus Black Tea
$3.35 - $36.50

Passion Berry Jolt

Raspberry Passion Fruit Black Tea
$3.35 - $42.45

Energizer Sampler

7 Black Teas Sampler

Earl Grey De La Crème

Creamy Earl Grey Black Tea
$3.35 - $28.00

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