LIving well project

We believe in sharing passion with the world through tea. Through the Living Well Project, you help us do that. With your support, we're installing water wells for our farmers in rural Nigeria. Each water well brings clean, safe water to an entire community and directly impacts 50,000 lives. Our first well was installed in 2017, and this is just the beginning of what we will do together by improving the world around us. Sure, we can do that with loose leaf tea, but it doesn’t stop there.

Click here to help us build our next well.

The Need

Over 60 MILLION people in Nigeria are without access to safe drinking water.
Women and children walk up to 5 miles and spend up to 3-4 hours a day collecting water.
That’s 3-4 less hours each day to spend on school or work; That's 1,092 hours per month and over 13,104 hours per year!
Every year, this lack of safe water leads to thousands suffering from disease and diarrhea.
How many times have you turned on the faucet today? Showered? Flushed? What if every time you did that, it meant walking 5 miles and spending 30 minutes manually pumping that water out of the ground. Tired yet? Now carry it back home. That’s why we created the Living Well Project.
inc 500 magazine

How It Works

You inspired the Living Well Project. Your favorite teas - our best sellers - contain ingredients from all over the world. Some of our most frequently used ingredients come from farmers in northern Nigeria, and Nigeria is one of the few countries that can produce them because of the hot, dry climate required to grow it. We want to make sure those we rely on most - our farmers - Live Well.
Every time we install a well:
1. The village is consulted and the land is surveyed to make sure that it is put in a high-traffic spot that’s convenient for villagers and where the well can be dug deep to provide enough water.
2. The well is drilled, complete with 5 faucets and a water tower/holding facility with enough water to last the village for two weeks if anything in the well breaks down and needs time for repair.
3. The village celebrates with singing, dancing, and a big party!
From start to finish, the entire process takes roughly 8 weeks.

How You can help

Here at Tiesta Tea, we believe in the power of giving back directly. By cutting out the middlemen and certification bodies, we can ensure that every single dollar that goes to the Living Well Project is spent building water wells. This is our version of fair trade.


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Please rest assured that the safety and cleanliness of delivering our products to you are of extreme importance to us. Tiesta Tea is strictly following CDC protocols around social distancing, workplace sanitization and contactless temperature checks every day. Thank you for trusting us with your business.

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